The department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, as a routine has been continuously engaged in teaching MBBS and BDS students. The department consists of an office complex, a well set museum and a mortuary in collaboration with Bharatpur Hospital (A central level government hospital).
As highlighted by Bernard and Knight, a serious defect in the education of the subject; Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is separating the professionals who practice medico legal works from those who profess to teach in universities. It is impossible to be a credible and convincing teacher unless one has continuing practical experience of the subject. Understanding the problem, we tried to collaborate with Bharatpur hospital by providing the expertise of forensic experts from our department on on-call basis. The management of College of Medical Sciences and Bharatpur hospital were also supportive in this initiation. The college has helped Bharatpur hospital to construct a well-equipped modern mortuary complex. Finally, the agreement was done and the forensic experts of CMS started to serve the government hospital on on-call basis from July 2015. Currently, Dr Nuwadatta Subedi and Dr Tej Prakash Chataut are performing the medico legal duties. Performance of medico legal works also obviates the experts to attend the courts whenever requested. It is also beneficial to the medical students as medico legal works including the autopsies can be demonstrated by their own teachers.
The Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology had organized a workshop on Medico-legal update on 17th and 18th October 2014. The workshop was unique in that it was the first of its kind in Nepal organised by any private medical colleges and institutions. The program had covered almost all important aspects of Medico-legal field. The faculties from Institute of Medicine, BPKIHS, CMS and Chitwan Medical College delivered different topics on medico legal issues. The CDO of Chitwan, Chief Justice of Chitwan and the chief of Bharatpur Police training centre also delivered lectures of their field. Sixty doctors from different parts of the nation had actively participated in the event.
The faculties of the department are also engaged in research activities and delivering trainings on the related field. The forensic experts of the department also serve as resource persons to the police training center of Bharatpur where the on the job police officers and the officers on training are trained on medico legal matters like autopsies, injuries, crime scene examination etc.
The forensic medicine department is involved in orienting the medical officers, post graduate residents and faculties of other specialities in handling medico legal cases including preparing injury reports, death certificates, consent forms, intimation letters on medico legal issues etc. We also guide the doctors in preparation of their court visits in medico legal issues.
In conclusion, the department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in the College of Medical Sciences is not only engaged in teaching learning process but also serving the hospital in medico legal activities. We also collaborate with adjoining government hospital to serve as forensic experts on on-call basis, provide our expertise to train the police officers and are involved in research activities.